AI Performance Hacklab - Sonar +D Barcelona 2024 

Problem to solve in Hacklab:
AI has been marketed as a tool for automating creativity or making music from text prompts - but what would happen if we went in the opposite direction? What would happen if we learnt to play AI like an instrument?  How can we make AI musicianship more expressive - and how can we break it?

Selected to take part of the first edition of AI Performance Hacklab initiative by Sónar+D as part of this year’s AI & Music powered by S+T+ARTS programme.

Between 11th and 14th June, as part of Sónar+D 2024 in Barcelona, I was brought together with a selected group of 12 participants from different backgrounds and disciplines to collaboratively explore and expand our use of AI and machine learning for performance, under the guidance and tutelage of renowned technologist, artist and writer Peter Kirn and Cibelle Bastos.  

Within the hacklab environment, we combined our skills critically, we formed clusters to work with different technology and have different uses of AI. We created both visuals and music with AI, and our concept was to produce a feeling and tell a story,  creating unexpected new mixes and discoveries.

The onus throughout was a weekend of collaboration, experimentation, and sharing. And we had an open performance open to public at SonarÀgora.

My personal take is that even for a 48 hours Hacklab, working with AI can be extensive and time consuming, but if you nail the concept - and you bring other skills from previous experience, storytelling, aesthetics, sound world - you can create and expand so much in such a short amount of time.
I also see the same techniques being played over and over again, which means AI are tools, and we as creative Humans have the power to shape and tell stories with it.

Copywright © 2024 Nicole Chufi